Macmillan Coffee Night

On Monday 21 September we participated in Macmillan’s fundraising drive with a Coffee Evening!

The Church were kind enough not to charge us room hire for this meet as we were fundraising which meant that all ‘subs’ that were paid was given directly to Macmillan along with money raised through a book sale, raffle and cake sale at the end of the night.  All cakes and raffle prizes were donated by those who came along.

As many of you know there is always plenty of cake available at our regular meets but there was so much more:


More did arrive after this photo was taken!  Needless to say that there wasn’t any left at the end of the night!


Again more prizes arrived after this photo was taken and as always a good time was had when the raffle was drawn!


Books donated by Bev, Donna and Mary.

Our meets generally attract around 20 crafters but we packed in a whopping 41 and a few others who turned up purely for cake.  Needless to say we had to move into the big room:


As you can see there was still plenty of crafting going on!

We are thankful for everyone who supported us in helping to raise funds for such a worthy cause and who had a fun night in the process.  The grand total at the end of the night was:


A final massive THANK YOU to all involved!

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